Why the term “cosmetic dentist” doesn’t mean what you think it does

Choosing a good cosmetic dentist isn’t easy. Why? Cosmetic dentistry is a popular and fast growing field. Yet it’s a field that has few official standards. In fact, the term “cosmetic dentist” itself is misleading. Any dentist that offers teeth whitening or Invisalign can describe him or herself as a cosmetic dentist.

The term is not officially recognized by the American Dental Association. If you assume your local “cosmetic dentist” has extensive training and experience, you could be making a big mistake.

And choosing the wrong cosmetic dentist can be costly in more ways than one.

One startling estimate is over ¼ of the money patients spend on cosmetic dentistry each year goes to redoing botched procedures from a prior dentist! We don’t want you to make a bad decision.

NEXT: How to Avoid 4 Cosmetic Dentistry Rip-offs

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