Costs aren’t the only factor to consider when looking for dental implants. However, they’re a biggie for most people.

And with the average cost of a single dental implant in the U.S. coming in at an eye-popping $4000 (for the implant, abutment and restoration/crown), it’s easy to understand why there’s a lot of people searching on how to get cheap dental implants.

Unless you won the lottery or have a sugar daddy, deciding to get a dental implant will likely have a significant impact on your financial situation.

That said, there are some ways to find more affordable or cheap dental implants.

Here are the 5 best ways on how to get cheap dental implants…

Shop Around

Even within the same city, you may find the cost for dental implants may vary widely between cosmetic dentists. If you live in a major city, driving an hour or two to a more rural location can result in big savings.

Doing some research and shopping around is worth some time and effort. When it comes to dental implants, it could literally save you thousands of dollars.

Travel Abroad – Dental Tourism

Dental tourism is a big thing these days with the cost of implants and other cosmetic dentistry procedures so high.

Around 1.4 million Americans will travel abroad for health and dental care according to the group Patients Beyond Borders.

The idea here is to travel to a foreign country where the costs of dental procedures are significantly lower than they are in the U.S. And, while you’re at it, take a vacation while you recover.

When it comes to dental care, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Thailand are some of the more popular destination for Americans.

Obviously there are some big risks involved with travelling abroad for health or dental care. You have to really do your homework and make sure the provider you choose is trustworthy and reliable.

No matter how much you may save, complications from a botched procedure in another country isn’t worth the price.

Go To Dental School

No, we’re not suggesting you go to dental school so you can perform the dental implant procedure yourself!

What we mean is that you should contact a local dental school to see if they offer discounted procedures.

Having dental school students perform the implant procedure for you could be a win-win situation.

The students get experience doing a dental implant surgery (under the watchful eye of an experienced dentist) and you get implants for a lot less than you’d pay going to a local cosmetic dentist.

This may not be an option for everyone though. Dental schools usually have a wait list for people who want implants. Plus, they also usually only accept a certain number of people and extend the offer only to those with lower annual incomes.

Dental Discount Plans

Dental discount plans may be a good way to go to save on dental implants and other dental procedures.

With these plans you pay a fee to become a member. Then, when you visit one of the dentists that accept the plan, you can save between 10% – 60% on dental treatment costs.

The great thing about dental discount (also called dental savings) plans is they have no co-pays, no health restrictions, and there’s no annual limit on how many times you can use your plan.

Before signing up for a plan, check out their discounts when it comes to dental implants. Savings will vary from plan to plan, but you can expect to save around 20% or so which can add up to a big chunk of change.

Alternative Options

Dental implants are not the only game in town when it comes to replacing lost teeth.

A tooth supported fixed bridge or removable partial dentures are alternatives that can cost much less than implants. They have their drawbacks though (for example, they tend not to last as long as implants) so you’ll have to weigh those against the cost savings.

Bottom Line on Cheap Dental Implants

Don’t let the sticker shock on dental implants convince you they’re too expensive. Look into the options outlined above and you may find they’re more affordable than you thought.

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  1. LES BRoWN

    Appreciate this post. Will try it out.

  2. Valerie Austin

    I plan on looking into this medications ane chemotherapy caused my teeth to deteriorate in last 18 months. I am low income on ssi. I fear having to wear dentures. Love having my own teeth medi-cal wouldn’t approve the partials on top and filling my front uppers I did need full bottom dentures as well as bone graft. Medi cal said I have to gave top and bottom dentures. I now am starting to lose front uppers. I didnt have coverage for my teeth for many years. I would be estatic to have implants. I have only 1 breast and may lose my right eye. I don’t want Dentures as well. Call it vanity but teeth are very important to me self esteem and a great smile, iwould love to smile again

  3. Sharon Hodgson

    Is there a good , dentist, that offers cheap dental implants in my area. Is there an other option, other than implants and false teeth that can be performed ?

  4. Mary Frank

    Thank you for the information! Need the name of experienced
    dentist in Seattle who does
    dental implants & post, core & crown, procedure!
    If possible, accepts combo
    of cash, & dental insurance! Thanks for your help!