Can You Chew Gum With Dentures?

Can You Chew Gum With Dentures?

When someone first gets dentures, one of the most disheartening things they realize is that they are unable to bite and eat as well as they formerly could.

You could be dissatisfied with the short list of items that you can consume without experiencing discomfort, and you may yearn for foods that are no longer possible for you to eat. Additionally, you might be dissatisfied with the length of time it takes you to chew. Many people are wondering, can you chew gum with dentures?

When you are required to use dentures, avoiding sweets is one of the restrictions placed on you, and this can be a nuisance. This is something annoying if you consider yourself a chewing gum enthusiast. However, there are some benefits to gum, as it can assist in the stimulation of chewing.

In this article, we will discuss the safety of chewing gum with dentures as well as some tips if you wish to do so. 

Can You Chew Gum With Dentures?

Yes, you can chew gum while wearing dentures. Chewing gums presents some advantages and disadvantages to your dentures and oral health as a whole.

Chewing gum while wearing dentures can offer a few benefits.

The Pros of Chewing Gum

To begin, gum provides you with additional opportunities to practice chewing. This can lead to an increase in the force of your bite. Chewing gum is a great way to improve your biting and chewing skills.

Second, it has the potential to boost saliva production, which can be significant given the fact that many people who wear dentures deal with a dry mouth. The act of chewing gum does this by boosting saliva production, which in turn helps prevent the symptoms of dry mouth.

Because your dentures can’t get cavities, you may basically chew whatever kind of gum you choose without worrying about damaging them.

The Hazards Of Chewing Gum With Dentures

Chewing gum while wearing dentures, while beneficial at times, can also create considerable problems. Chewing gum can also be a problem for our dentures and our oral health in general. 

There is still a chance that the amount of sugar that is included in regular chewing gums will have an effect on your natural teeth: Your natural teeth that are located next to your partial dentures are in particular danger. Because of this, we strongly suggest going with gum that does not include any sugar.

However, selecting the brand that complements your particular denture the best is largely a matter of individual preference; you should test each of them and choose which one is your top pick.

Another issue is that if the gum gets stuck to the dentures, it can pull them out of their fittings, which is the most straightforward method for dislodging them. Even though there are various varieties of chewing gum that are meant not to attach to dentures, such as Freedent and Biotene, many people find that these gums nevertheless stick to dentures, which causes the dentures to become dislodged.

It is possible to give these gums a try even when you are wearing dentures, but you should not be surprised if it does not work. However, if you have dentures that are attached to implants, you won’t have any trouble chewing gum.

How To Clean Gum Off Of Dentures

Chewing gum can be difficult to clean from dentures because of its sticky nature, especially if removal is necessary. The following instructions will walk you through the process of removing chewing gum from dentures:

  1. Take off as much of the gum as you can by hand using your hands.
  2. To get rid of the residue, soak the denture in warm vinegar for a while.
  3. The denture should be cleaned in the usual manner.

It is best to steer clear of utilizing heat to remove the gum because the surface may contain thermoplastic components that warp when exposed to high temperatures.

Chewing gums with dentures can be equally beneficial and risky. Be cautious when doing so and consult your dentist first.