Looking for affordable dental implants?

While costs aren’t the only factor to consider when looking for dental implants, they are a major one for most people.

And with the average cost of a single dental implant in the U.S. at an eye-popping $4000 (for the implant, abutment and restoration/crown), it’s easy to understand why.

For those who haven’t won the lottery, don’t have a sugar daddy or aren’t independently wealthy, deciding to get a dental implant is going to have a significant impact on your financial situation.

However, there are some ways to more dental implants more affordable.

Here are the 5 best ways to find affordable dental implants…

Alternative Options

If you’re looking to replace lost teeth, dental implants are not the only game in town.

Tooth supported fixed bridges or removable partial dentures are alternatives that can cost much less than implants. They have their drawbacks though (for example, they tend not to last as long as implants) so you’ll have to weigh those against the cost savings.

Go To Dental School

No, this doesn’t mean you should go to dental school and try to perform the dental implant procedure on yourself!

It means you should contact a local dental school to see if they offer discounted procedures.

Just understand going in that this may not be an option for everyone.

Dental schools usually have a wait list for people who want implants. Plus, they also usually only accept a certain number of people and extend the offer only to those with lower annual incomes.

If you qualify, however, having dental school students perform the implant procedure for you could be a win-win situation.

The students get experience doing a dental implant surgery (under the watchful eye of an experienced dentist) and you get implants for a lot less than you’d pay going to a local cosmetic dentist.

Dental Discount Plans

Dental discount plans may be a good way to save on dental implants and other dental procedures.

With these plans you pay a fee to become a member. Then, when you visit one of the dentists that accept the plan, you can save between 10% – 60% on dental treatment costs.

Some good benefits of dental discount (also called dental savings) plans are they have no co-pays, no health restrictions, and there’s no annual limit on how many times you can use your plan.

Before signing up for a plan, check out their discounts when it comes to dental implants. Savings will vary from plan to plan, but you can expect to save around 20% or so which can add up to a big chunk of change.

Shop Around

Even within the same city, you may find the cost for dental implants may vary widely between cosmetic dentists.

And, if you live in a major city, driving an hour or two to a more rural location can result in big savings.

Doing some research and shopping around is worth some time and effort. When it comes to dental implants, it could literally save you $1000s.

To find a few cosmetic dentists near you who specialize in dental implants, search our listings here.

Travel Abroad – Dental Tourism

Dental tourism is a big thing these days with the cost of implants and other cosmetic dentistry procedures so high.

Around 1.4 million Americans will travel abroad for health and dental care according to the group Patients Beyond Borders.

The idea here is to travel to a foreign country where the costs of dental procedures are significantly lower than they are in the U.S. And, while you’re at it, you get to take a vacation while you recover.

When it comes to dental care, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Thailand are some of the more popular destination for Americans.

Obviously there are some big risks involved with travelling abroad for health or dental care. You have to really do your homework and make sure the provider you choose is trustworthy and reliable.

No matter how much you may save, complications from a botched procedure in another country isn’t worth the price.

Bottom Line on Affordable Dental Implants

Don’t let the sticker shock on dental implants convince you they’re too expensive. Look into the options outlined above and you may find they’re more affordable than you thought.

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  1. Laura Dodson

    How can implants be considered cosmetic when losing the ability to chew your food properly is in jeapardy. I am only able to use my top teeth and trying to chew on my gums leaves a lot to be desired. I am not able to eat fruit, nuts, steak, pork, etc. If it is not cooked to the point of mush it is not digested. The last estimate on implants was $7400; and that was using my top plate.

  2. Rita Helms

    I have the same problem as Laura. I can’t eat any of those types of foods either and when your dentures are flopping around in your mouth it’s embarrassing. Sometimes when I talk my dentures almost fall out. My dentist said I was a perfect candidate for implants like having the 4 to snap my dentures in. He said the implants would hold my dentures in place. He has made adjustments to my dentures several times but it hasn’t helped. I think I have tried about every adhesive on the market and none of them worked. I’m on SSI disability income so therefore I can’t afford to pay the high cost all I’m looking for is some help from somewhere to make it possible for me to be able to enjoy food and talking without my dentures falling out and being embarrassed. Please help me to find some help!